- Magellan Health - https://www.magellanhealth.com -


Creating an Event:


1) Go to the Dashboard.

2) Scroll over the sidebar item ‘Events’

3) Click on ‘Add new’

4) Add a title

5) Add content (this can include links to downloads or other content) and media

6) If this is a common event type such as a Webinar or Continuing Education Credit, add that type to Categories

7) Add the time and date (note you can choose ‘All Day’ if you don’t want to set a specific time

8) Add a venue or choose from existing venue

9) If you have no venues previously added, you will have a form to complete

If you have previously added a venue, you will have a drop down with your venues listed below. If you wish to add a new one, begin typing a name for it – it will display (Create: your venue name), hit return and the form will appear.

If you wish you can add venues separately using the ‘Venues’ option in the Events sidebar

10) Use the Map and Map link options if you would like a Small Google Map and a link to Google Maps to appear in your event listing

11) Add Organizers (for example Webinar hosts)

12) Add Event Website (such as a landing page or CVent site)

13) Add Event Cost (or leave blank) as appropriate)

14) Add SEO Content

15) Choose special options

Hide From Event Listings will keep your event OFF your calendar

Sticky in Month View, keeps the event at the top of the calendar view option of viewing events

Feature Event, gives the event special prominence in Calendar and List view.

16) Click Publish

Adding Events to the navigation menu 


1) From the Events left menu title, click on Settings 


2) Settings will open to the General Tab 


3) Scroll down the page to the Events URL slug section and copy the URL 


4) Then go to the Appearance in the left menu and click on Menus 

 5) Open Nested Pages menu 


6) Scroll down to Custom Links from the Add menu items list. Paste the copied URL from Events Calendar Settings in the URL box and type Events in the Link Text box; then click on Add to Menu 


7) The link will be added at the bottom of the menu structure; then do a click and drag to move the box to the appropriate menu location; click Save Menu to save changes